Tuesday, November 26, 2013

LBCC '13 Recap - Last Show of the Year!

It's been a fun filled year of conventions (we did six!) and Long Beach Comic Con ended it all. This has always been an intimate show where local fans would come out for a day and check out artist alley or go to a panel. This show used to be in October, hence the Horror aspect, but since it's been pushed to the end of November I suspect that affected the attendance. However, we did talk to a lot of comic creators, met up with industry friends and sold a decent amount of art prints and comics. All in all, no complaints here.

As for next year, it'll be exciting that's for sure. We've been developing more stories and some new projects are already on the horizon.

Until next time, happy holidays!

Ben Templesmith, our neighbor.

Boston Metaphysical Society

Sara Richard, artist.

Dr. Who Cosplay

Mike Kunkel (creator of Hero Bear)

Allen Carter

Meltdown U graduates.

Penguins vs Possums figurines.

Jared Sams' poster now for sale!

Lance Hendriksen

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