Thursday, May 24, 2012

Our First Comic Book Signing - Wrap Up

Last Saturday we had our very first in-store signing at Collector's Paradise in Winnetka, CA. As part of the Free Comic Book May events, we represented the local Indie side. The store was pretty busy since they had a lot of great deals going on. We were setup in the middle of the store so it was easy for people to approach us. Some had questions on how we got started and wanted to know what cons we're hitting up next. We also talked about our up-coming projects which hopefully be done by the end of the year. People were genuinely interested in our stuff. And, our friends and family came out to support as well. It was a wicked awesome day!

Thanks to Ed and his fine staff at Collector's Paradise for the opportunity.

Jared, Giulie & Rob

Talking to fans.

Friends & family dropped by to support us.

Name Plate for Legitimacy

Jared signing a copy of Jingles are for Losers.


  1. I'm so glad to hear it went well. Sorry I couldn't make it up for a high 5, but it sounds liek you guys were plenty busy without me. -Ryder
