Tuesday, March 27, 2012

WonderCon 2012: Day 2

Saturday morning, we wake up at 7 am to start the very long day. We grabbed our power breakfast at the hotel and walked over to convention center. The weather was less than stellar: wet, cold and crappy. We wondered if that was going to affect the attendance. Thankfully it was not the case. We heard about the traffic and the parking lots getting full, but Disney opened their space for the con crowd. Whatever Mickey ;)

At one point while we were setting up, Joe Hill walked by our booth. I had a rare spike of confidence and called him over to express my love for Lock and Key. Rob handed over Clown Fight and By The Slice and Joe graciously accepted them. I mean, he's getting free swag! He's seemed like a really cool, down to earth guy. .

Later, some friends came by our booth to show their support. They could've easily stayed indoors and played X-box all day but nay. That was really cool of them! Meanwhile the aisles got pretty congested during the afternoon rush. Lots of cosplayers and attendees picked up our free rubber chickens, so we decided to save a small batch for Sunday.

In the middle of it all, I had to leave to go the Comic Creator Connection. It was great interacting with young artists but I didn't have a particular story to pitch to them. Honestly I just wanted to see what they had to offer and made notes for future projects I have in mind.

And while we were packing up to go get drunk (hey, it's St. Patty's day) Rob saw that Pendleton Ward was doing an impromptu signing in the next aisle. He grabbed Pen Ward's hand drawn sign when we were leaving, as a memento. Adventure Time rocks!

Jared, Rob and I were low on both energy and funds so we decided to stay put and eat dinner at the hotel with our friends TJ & Dale. While I headed to bed the boys hung out at the bar. There they bumped into Daniel J. Logan, where he talked about working on Action Lab Comics. Lucky dogs, I always miss out!

All in all it was fun day. We were all pretty wiped out but there's still one more day to go.

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